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Weaponized Pommel says

When TACCOM begins, choose an Effect; <list of Effects>. When you make an attack, you may choose to deal 1 damage and apply 2 of the chosen effects.

How does this work? How would you ever have 2 chosen effects if you only choose 1?

There are also several references to "secondary actions" throughout the book. Are these meant to be Support, or Auxiliary?

Really interested in running this, would love to talk to someone who already has for some advice.


wooooo hype for the new preview

I think there's a typo in the STRATCOM tech tree. The "Archontic Longinomechanical Pneuma-Engineering Bay" isn't mentioned in the tree, but its expected space is filled by the "ACHAMOTH Training Facilities" in the tree chart and text describing it.

keep up the great work! This game is oozing with flavor and strong mechanics

There's a handful of errors in the base building right now, should have it cleaned up soon. Thanks for the heads up! Really excited about where the game is at rn


Is there a discord for this game yet? Also, this looks amazing so far, keep up the good work!

"Each weapon is equipped with one of two types of special ability - Active and Passive abilities"

Does this mean you choose your weapon's Active OR Passive when you equip it, or that you always have access to both?


You have access to both, it's a left over from when weapons only had one or the other; thanks for catching it!

(1 edit)

Thank you!

Emergency Bythos Shunt (p 48), the pilot active ability says "The first targeted enemy takes 1 Damage, the second takes 2 Damage, and so on." I'm guessing it's probably intended to be 1 2 3 4, but wanted to double check in case it's 1 2 4 8? 

(Also is here the best place for clarifications / typos, or is there a better way to submit that kind of thing?)


Your first interpretation is right; I can see why that would be confusing though!

I'm going to have a more formalized feedback system set up somewhere probably next week, but this is fine for clarifications. 


I was pretty sure I backed this in the kickstarter but today when I checked I noticed I forgot to press OK!

Is there any way to late pledge?

Not yet, but should be imminently!

Still wondering!

Really want to purchase the game.

Hey, sorry, the campaign page has been up for some time right here;


This is so my aesthetic from top to bottom it hurts.

Will be backing the Kickstarter and I am very invested in it already.

Will factions get actions in between session, a faction turn?


Essentially, yeah. Should be adding some content for GMs before the KS launch that should clarify this


God this is so fucking dope, especially the meta-progression and faction systems. Is there a reason for the 1 action+move economy? I worry about it making it so only attacks are viable

(1 edit) (+1)

The idea, at least right now, is that we'll balance movement to be fairly powerful compared to attacks, and give you plenty of ways to attack and move as a single action (which effectively gives you two moves as well). The Action + Move tends to work pretty well in a lot of the digital games I'm drawing from, but who knows, there's certainly room to play around with the economy of it all when we get serious about play testing. Thanks for the interest!